Disneyland Archive

How To Photograph Fireworks eBook!

Do you wish you could photograph fireworks better? Do you have difficulty photographing fireworks? If the answer to either of these questions is “yes,” you should check out the new eBook I co-authored, detailing how to photograph fireworks. The eBook, called Fireworks Photography, is a collaborative effort between me and those crazy hooligans, Cory and

Disney 2013 Promotion: “Limited Time Magic”

Walt Disney World’s and Disneyland’s 2013 promotional celebration was announced today, and it will feature 52 weeks of small celebrations dubbed “Limited Time Magic.” This “Limited Time Magic” campaign replaces “Let the Memories Begin,” which has been the loosely-utilized promotional campaign for the last two years that has really only featured a marketing campaign along

PHOTOS: Disneyland’s Christmas Tree

At 60 feet tall, Disneyland’s Christmas tree towers over Main Street! Since 2008, Disney has used an artificial tree that is custom built for Disneyland in an effort to make its decorations more eco-friendly. This green Christmas movement has reduced Disneyland’s energy consumption on the Christmas tree by 50 percent. Disneyland’s Main Street, USA Christmas

French Market Review

French Market is quite possibly the best counter service restaurant in Disneyland–if not the best, one of the best. It’s located in New Orleans Square, which is unquestionably the best land in Disneyland. Best restaurant in the best land? Now that’s a double threat! Like the rest of New Orleans Square, French Market captures the

Spooky Haunted Mansion Holiday

Prior to visiting Disneyland last November, we had never experienced Haunted Mansion Holiday. After hearing a lot about it online, we were both excited to see it because it was something different, even though neither of us are Tim Burton fans. This, combined with experiencing holiday “overlays” in the vein of Mickey’s Jingle Jungle Parade

Disney Counter Service Renaissance?

I’ve long rallied against the notion that food at Walt Disney World and Disneyland consists of “only burgers, hot dogs, and other fast food” of that ilk. I shared some of my favorite unique counter service options in a “Beyond Burgers” article here this summer, and urged a non-Disney fan audience to reconsider preconceptions about

Disneyland Spring 2012 Trip Report Pt 4

The final installment of this Disneyland trip report is short and sweet. We had one last morning to enjoy Disneyland before catching our flight back to Indianapolis. Unfortunately, there isn’t a whole lot to say about this installment. Although I do pay myself by the word, thus explaining my long-winded trip reports, I’d like to

Disneyland Spring 2012 Trip Report Pt 3

After a two-month hiatus from writing this trip report, and since starting another report, someone reminded me that I hadn’t finished this one! This is the second-to-last installment; the final installment will be out next week. If you’re a new visitor or haven’t read the excellent “One More Disney Day” installments in this Disney trip

Happy 57th Birthday, Disneyland!

Today, July 17, 2012, Disneyland turns 57 years old. Disneyland’s July 17th anniversary has become a yearly holiday of sorts for Disney fans, regardless of whether they are Disneyland fans, specifically. We fans treat it more like a birthday for an old friend than an anniversary of some location, and for good reason. For many